Mobile sales: the hardware store on the doorstep | scene


“If the prophet does not come to the mountain, the mountain will come to the prophet,” as the saying goes. With the new sales concept jeez Although no mountains are moved, something rather unusual happens: Customers who want to renovate no longer have to go to a hardware store or do-it-yourself store for paint, wallpaper, materials, tools and specialist advice usual hardware store prices. The Darmstadt start-up is supported by suppliers with many years of experience in the DIY segment and a retailer specializing in interior decoration and home textiles.

The result of the cooperation is a renovation range that includes wall paints as well as floor coverings, wallpaper, adhesive tapes, auxiliary materials and processing tools. Alpina contributes paints, painting, masking and repair tapes come from tesa, floor coverings and wallpaper are supplied by GS Fashion & Design – basically everything you need for renovating or redesigning living spaces.

Material advice at home

If you are planning a corresponding project, you can get in touch with Jeez and, if necessary, narrow down your own wishes and ideas in advance. Then the consultant comes to the house and provides support on site with the selection of materials and colors. For example, the appearance of different shades of color can be visualized on the tablet – so you get an immediate impression of how your own apartment will look after the renovation. Everything you then need for the execution can be bought directly from the transporter. There is also a color mixing machine on board, with the help of which individual and even more unusual tones are immediately available.

This is practical for the customer. He not only saves a lot of time, but also receives advice tailored precisely to his apartment. This includes, for example, the calculation of areas and the specific material requirements. Jeez even wants to offer manual services if required – if you do not want to carry out individual work yourself or do not trust yourself, you can book the craftsman right away.

growth step by step

In view of the very diverse and individual demands in the renovation market, the concept is quite ambitious. With Jeez, however, you don’t want to bang your head against the wall right away.

GF Robin Lanzer

As managing director Robin Lanzer (photo) explains, the company is initially active close to home in the Rhine-Main area. In the next step, the Rhine-Ruhr region is to follow, so that the federal territory is gradually being developed with the metropolitan regions as a basis – they are to be largely activated in about three years.

Of course, you can’t really bring a complete hardware store to the customer’s doorstep, but serve – in a very convenient way – a core area of ​​do-it-yourself activities. Consequently, the Jeez website also refers to the GS Fashion & Design online shop. In this way you can offer far more than fits into a van, but remain an active intermediary at the interface between product, advice and service.

If the concept works and can keep up with the price as planned in the long term, it will probably not completely transform the DIY market, but it will add a very interesting comfort component to it. [ha]

Photos: Jeez

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