Anniversary campaign at selbst ist der Mann | scene


If it’s your birthday, you get presents. Usually. The DIY magazine himself is the man does it the other way around and, on the occasion of its 60th anniversary, ensures that social institutions can look forward to gifts. The magazine, founded in 1957, relies on its readers and of course on the entire DIY community in Germany. Because these committed do-it-yourselfers know their area and know who can best use the attractive prize packages with tools, technology, materials or garden equipment.

The whole thing works according to the sponsorship principle: Anyone who knows a social facility – this can be a care facility for the elderly, a children’s home, a facility for the disabled or a project for the socially disadvantaged – can become an active sponsor and this facility for one of the prize packages suggest. The packages are tailored to fit specific projects. There are material and tool packs for renovation or interior design, tool packs for a workshop in the house, packs with equipment for garden maintenance and much more.

From the proposals submitted, a jury selects what they consider to be the most worthy of support – the respective institution can then look forward to the material – the total value of all packages is around 20,000 euros. Of course, the sponsors don’t go away empty-handed either: All senders have the chance to win one of three weekends in Cologne, travel by train, dinner and overnight stay included.

However, the time for participation is a little short: the deadline for submitting proposals is only 31 August 2017. You can do this online at On the page you will not only find the links to the participation form and the exact conditions of participation, but also the details of the content of the respective prize packages. [ha]

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