10 pink perennial plants for your garden


Pink is a color that has long had a feminine “stamp”. Wrongly. Every real guy does something good in his garden with a pink perennial plant. Pink is not always pink: the flowers of the perennials come in different shades. What they all have in common: They captivate with their cheerful charisma and conjure up a friendly charm in every corner of your garden.

Bring color into the bed with pink perennial plants

Coneflowers and cranesbills are among the pink perennial plants that on the one hand make little demands on their location and on the other hand delight the gardener with their color and joy of flowering. The beautiful, friendly flowers can also be used to color locations in the garden that would otherwise tend to be forgotten or only allow a few plants to bloom due to the low solar radiation. Many perennial plants get by with just a few hours of sunshine a day and still bloom persistently with their wonderful pink and other colors. The pink perennial plants can be wonderfully combined with other large and small as well as different colored perennials.

Pink perennial plants: We introduce you to 10 magical representatives

1. Garden Thrift (Armeria maritima)

The garden thrift shows its bright colors from May to June when it is in full sun and the soil is sandy to rocky. The pink perennial plant is ideal for rock and dry gardens. It requires little care, only pruning after flowering is recommended. The garden thrift is very hardy and can also cope with temperatures below minus 30 °C. The evergreen foliage represents a kind of natural frost protection.

2. Myrtle Aster (Aster ericoides)

The small, panicle-like flowers of the myrtle aster are white to pink and bloom from September to November. They offer insects and wild bees a wonderful food source late in the year. The perennial likes a sunny spot with well-drained, humus-rich soil. It is better for this to be a little too dry than too moist, the myrtle aster survives dry periods well. This also applies to very low temperatures in winter.

3. Heron’s Bill (Erodium x variable)

The Heron’s Beak is considered a permanent bloomer and shows its pink flowers from May to September. This makes him a wonderful bee friend. At the same time, the undemanding groundcover can be planted with many other perennials. It is tolerable and requires only a few soil nutrients for itself. The Heron’s Beak likes loose to sandy soil and a sunny location. It is very hardy and does not need separate protection in the cold season. The perennial shrub is insensitive to pests and snails.

4. Flowering Dost (Origanum laevigatum)

The flower daisy likes a location in full sun with sandy-loamy soil and grows up to 60 cm high there. The pink to violet flowers appear from July to September. The leaves form a pretty decoration for the winter. They are evergreen and lightly scented. The flower daisy is an insect favorite and ideal for a bee pasture in the garden. It can be combined well with other perennials and does not need additional frost protection in winter. This can only make sense in very rough situations.

5. Masterwort (Astrantia)

The masterwort prefers a sunny or half-shady location. High humidity is ideal. The soil should be nutritious, humus, and fresh to moist. With sufficient moisture in the soil, the perennial tolerates a lot of suns. It scores with a long flowering period with extraordinary flowers. These stand together in simple umbels. Due to its special charm, the masterwort is not only used as an ornamental plant but above all as a cut flower. It is not susceptible to pests or diseases.

6. Autumn Anemone (Anemone)

The anemone includes numerous varieties. One of them is the autumn anemone. The flowers can be white to pink, violet or pink in color. In addition to “simple” flowers, there are also filled flowers. The simple flower version is open, making the perennial insect-friendly. Anemones can not only be planted individually but also wonderfully in groups. They like the soil moderately loamy to slightly sandy, then you will be rewarded with a beautiful bloom from August to October.

7. Cranesbill (Geranium)

The cranesbill occurs in countless species and is at home in almost every perennial garden today. No wonder, because the attractive foliage, some of which remains evergreen, and the beautiful flowers, which appear from March to October, impress all garden lovers. The flowers can be seen in magenta, blue, or violet, and there are also shades of pink. Cranesbill is not very demanding and needs moderately moist, well-drained soil. Waterlogging is not tolerated.

8. Astilbe

The magnificent pier rightly bears its name. It grows upright and can reach up to two meters. The beautiful flowers appear in white, rose, pink, or red from May to June. The perennial can be planted individually or in a group and is loved by insects. Your demands on the soil are low. She likes both pebbly and loamy soil. The splendor loves it half shade. She doesn’t like waterlogging at all.

9. Bergenia (Bergenia)

The Bergenia appreciates moist, nutrient-rich soil that is well drained. With a sufficient layer of compost applied prior to planting and maintenance measures such as regular watering, it can become massive. The perennial is one of the most attractive early bloomers and shows its flowers as early as March. It then blooms until May in strong pink to crimson or with white flowers. The Bergenia feels comfortable in partial shade and is particularly suitable if you want to bring charm to darker garden areas.

10. Purple coneflowers (Echinacea)

The purple coneflower (also called mock coneflower) gets its name from the rich and showy color of its flowers. It is interesting that the purple coneflower and rudbeckia are often confused with one another. The mock coneflower in the middle of the flower is rather pointed when you stroke it. Rudbeckia (coneflower) is soft here. The flowers appear from July to September. The purple coneflower likes a well-drained soil that is rich in nutrients and should rather be a little drier. The location should be sunny to semi-shady at most.

Frequently asked questions about perennials

When to plant hardy perennials

Hardy perennials should be planted in the fall. Although they are commercially available year-round, fall is still the best time to plant them. Planted from September to November, these hardy perennials will flower next summer. The reason for the mentioned planting time: The above-ground growth of the plants is now complete, but the roots can develop well in the still warm soil and anchor the perennial.

What do bees need in the garden?

In the garden, bees mainly need flowers from spring to autumn. These flowers must be open and offer plenty of nectar. Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, and Umbelliferae are particularly suitable for bees. They like to accept herbs, wildflowers, and wild perennials. Natural biodiversity is to be preferred. The local bees do not like exotic plants.

What is the importance of bees in the perennial garden?

The importance of bees for the perennial garden does not only refer to the pollination of the flowers when collecting nectar. Bees are invaluable to humans in general, as they are responsible for preserving much of our food. Without bees, there would be no plants, which in turn would be absent from the food chain. While perennials are not food plants to be pollinated, their nectar helps bees to find enough food. With the help of cleverly planted perennials, action can be taken against bee deaths.


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