Untag: 10 tips to remove a tag


Especially in the DIY sector labels often found on the products. This can be a label on a surface made of wood or glass, but it can also be made of plastic or rubber. The labels interfere with the processing or use of the products. With these 10 tips, you can Remove labels particularly quickly.

How to detach a label? 10 tips for anyone who wants to remove a label

  1. Warmth helps – reach for the hair dryer
    With its high heat, the hair dryer can often soften and loosen the adhesive on the labels.  Once the adhesive has become greasy, the labels can often be easily peeled off or peeled off and removed again with a scraper.  (#3)

    With its high heat, the hair dryer can often soften and loosen the adhesive on the labels. Once the adhesive has become greasy, the labels can often be easily peeled off or peeled off and removed again with a scraper. (#3)

    Adhesive becomes liquid again under high heat. Therefore, a hair dryer can also be of great help when it comes to detaching a label. However, this is one of the variants that requires a lot of patience and can also cost money. Especially labels that stick strongly to the surface need a little longer with this option.

  2. Coconut oil as a modern helper
    Coconut oil can be found in many kitchens today. It has a similar effect to cooking oil and can therefore also be used to remove labels. If you want, you can warm up the coconut oil a little first.
  3. Baking powder and oil – an unbeatable team
    Baking soda is one of the home remedies that can really solve any problem, so it can also be used when peeling off labels. No baking powder in the house right now? Then soda will do, too. The baking powder is mixed with oil until a soft paste is formed. This paste can be spread on the label. Depending on the strength of the adhesive, the mixture should act for at least 20 minutes. The label can then be slowly removed.

    Note: When using oil, it should always be borne in mind that this is very greasy. Therefore, it is best used only on a surface that can be cleaned afterwards. This is the case, for example, with a surface made of glass or plastic. After application, the area should be cleaned with water.

  4. The practical scraper

    The scraper is very versatile in the household. He is also usually successful in removing labels. (#2)

    Residues on the ceramic hob are usually removed with a practical scraper. Such a scraper can be found in almost every household, but hardly anyone would think of using it to remove stickers. Important: The scraper should only be used on smooth surfaces. The label is slowly and carefully removed with the scraper. If this has a very stubborn adhesive, you can also work with water and oil.

  5. use sandpaper

    Sandpaper and sandpaper are of great caliber, especially when the label sticks firmly to the workpiece. But be careful: if the surrounding surface is valuable and should be preserved, then you should only remove the label. (#5)

    Sandpaper has a similar effect to the pot sponge. However, you should work very carefully here so that the material is not damaged. It is better to use a very rough leftover piece of carpet. In this case, too, it is better to first soak everything with oil or water.

  6. water and knife
    It can be worth trying the gentle version with water first. Similar to the oil, the label is first soaked. Now wait a few minutes and then grab the knife. The sticker can now be gradually removed with the back of a knife. However, this only works for labels that don’t stick as well.
  7. Off to the dishwasher

    The dishwasher doesn’t always help to remove labels – but it’s always worth a try because it works without our intervention. Laziness often triumphs over the label! (#4)

    In the craft sector, there are not quite as many products that can be put in the dishwasher. Nevertheless, there may well be a tool or other aid on which the label is annoying and which can be put in the dishwasher. It is worth a try. The labels will peel off due to the heat and water. The trick may need to be performed multiple times.

  8. pot sponge
    A stainless steel pot sponge can also be used as a helper. After the sticker has been soaked, the sponge is used to loosen the adhesive. Work calmly with a little effort, because then it goes faster.
  9. Hot oil as a last resort

    Hot oil is often the last chance to get at the labels and to loosen them and remove them without leaving any residue. (#1)

    The hot oil is one of the tips to take with caution as hot oil can also be very dangerous. The oil is heated and then applied to the label with a brush. It acts briefly and then the label can be carefully removed with a cloth or scraper.

  10. Home remedies – just grab the cooking oil
    Cooking oil is a home remedy that has been passed down from generation to generation to remove stickers. The fat in the oil can help loosen the glue. Cooking oil is put on a rag. This rag is then pressed onto the label and the cooking oil spread over it. The adhesive can be loosened in this way, and the labels can then be carefully removed with your fingers. As an alternative, if there is no oil in the house, you can also use margarine.

The different label shapes

When removing the labels, it always depends on what kind of label it is. There are different versions, which also have different adhesive properties. Identification labels for writing and numbering, for example, usually stick particularly well and can therefore be easily removed with oil. Labels that are used for the outdoor area also have a very high adhesive strength. It is different with the removable labels. These are designed in such a way that they can be removed from the surface without much effort. The different recipes for removing the labels should therefore always be tailored to the type of label. The same applies to the surface. If the labels are on a wooden surface, different things are needed to detach them than with glass.

When do the labels not need to be detached?

In the craft sector, there are also various reasons that make it possible for the labels to simply remain in use. If, for example, they are applied to the material in such a way that they can no longer be seen after processing, there is no need to bother. Labels are often applied to the edge, for example on wood or glass. It may still have to be cut here and the labels will be removed with the cut. Of course, this saves work.

But it’s annoying when it first looks as if the labels don’t have to be removed and parts of them can still be seen after processing. In this case, peeling off the labels or stickers can become even more complicated. It is therefore important to decide before processing the products whether the stickers have to be removed or whether they can remain directly on the material without disturbing it.

Photo credits: © Fotolia – #1 uthymia, #2 Hellen Sergeyeva, #3 uthymia, #4 Andrey Popov, #5 Sergey Chayko, pixabay.com – cover photo fb207


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