Job description WordPress developer: an important job in the online sector


If you master WordPress, your professional future should look bright. This article explains what exactly a WordPress developer does, what tasks they have and why you should definitely get to know this profession better if you are planning a career change.

What does a WordPress developer do?

Before we take a closer look at the duties of a WordPress developer, let’s take a quick look at WordPress itself. What is WordPress anyway?

WordPress is about a content management system, i.e. a program with which content is created, managed and edited. WordPress is not just any content management system, but the absolute top dog with a whopping 64 percent market share. Far behind in second place is Shopify, a software for online shops, with only 6.3 percent.

The vast majority of websites and blogs are based on WordPress because it actually has many advantages. This is exactly where the WordPress developer comes into play, because he ensures that everything runs smoothly with the content management system. His duties include:

  • Developing website themes for appearance and functionality
  • Conception of a good website architecture
  • Programming plug-ins for desired functions
  • Optimizing the performance of a website
  • Troubleshooting and ongoing maintenance of the website

WordPress developers can work in both the frontend and the backend. Working in the “front end” means that you are responsible for the front level, i.e. the level visible to website visitors. For example, you edit the graphical user interface and ensure that the website and controls look appealing and easy to use. Or they work in the “backend”, i.e. behind the scenes of the visible presentation level. WordPress developers who work here ensure, for example, that entered data is transferred correctly and that invisible functions are programmed correctly.

How to become a WordPress developer

Many WordPress developers start their job with a degree in computer science or come through a classic IT apprenticeship. However, it is not absolutely necessary that you have completed one of the two, because this job is the ideal place for career changers. Hardly anywhere else do things develop as quickly as here. What was learned about WordPress three years ago is no longer relevant today. It is therefore more important than a classic training path that you have up-to-date knowledge and are willing to learn continuously. You can also very well gain a foothold in this area through appropriate further training, for example further training to become a WordPress expert or a WordPress web designer.

What are the requirements to become a WordPress developer?

The most important requirement has already been mentioned: You should be willing to take part in regular further training. By choosing your further education or specialization, you show where you feel most at home in the huge WordPress job market. Do you want more in the developer direction on the technical base of the site? Then it’s great if you have programming skills, e.g. B. in Java, you bring with you. Do you see yourself more as a frontend developer? Then WordPress know-how with additional web design knowledge can be useful.

Everything is fast-moving in this area and that’s why all doors are open to you whenever you’re ready to go with this pace.

Who Needs a WordPress Developer?

If we say “virtually everyone”, that wouldn’t even be a lie. In fact, hardly any company can do without a website anymore, and since the vast majority of websites are based on WordPress, there are also good ones WordPress developers are highly sought-after professionals. WordPress developers work in small to medium-sized companies up to corporations – across all industries. Depending on your exact specialization, you will sometimes work more closely with marketing, sometimes more closely with change management, or sometimes more closely with human resources.

How to find a job as a WordPress developer?

The first point of contact is online job exchanges such as StepStone or Monster or the online job search via the portal of the Employment Agency. In addition, there are other ways to find good jobs online, e.g. B. Career networks such as XING and LinkedIn or job advertisements on social media.

Social media and professional networks are also interesting beyond the pure search. Because it is not always the case that you as an applicant are actively looking for a job. In a large market like this, the companies themselves also proactively search for suitable applicants. Many interesting positions are not even advertised in the first place, but instead are given to promising candidates who have been identified by a company’s recruiters.

What does that mean for you? If you make sure that you have an online presence and an attractive job profile can be found at any time and you may even be invited to apply. You see: There are many ways to find your perfect job as a WordPress developer or maybe to be found by it.


When looking for a job on online job boards, enter different names, because not every company calls the WordPress developer that. Common alternatives are: web developer, WordPress developer, software developer for WordPress, frontend developer, backend developer, etc.

How much does a WordPress developer make?

The salary depends heavily on your qualifications and the company you work for. As a rough average for the annual salary of a WordPress developer, StepStone gives just under €37,000, at it is already €61,000. This wide range alone makes it clear that there is a lot of leeway here. The better your qualifications, the higher your actual salary is likely to be.

Get started as a WordPress developer

Perhaps this job is actually the most important in the online sector. At least it’s one for which there is a very high demand and which doesn’t get boring that quickly. If you want to get started as a WordPress developer, your time is right now! Use it!


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