In which city do you earn(salary) the most?


Location, location, location! This sentence is one of the most overused phrases in the business world. He describes the importance of choosing a location when founding a company. But not only in the business world: Every property owner knows how the location of the property affects the value. How is the salary? Does it also mean here: “Location matters!”?

Which city has the highest salary?

In fact, there are sometimes significant differences in salary or wages in the cities of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Here you can see the ranking of the capitals of the DACH region and your city:

The average salary in Germany’s cities

In fact, your earning potential also depends on where you live or work. Munich and Stuttgart, two cities in southern Germany top the list. In our ranking, we will tell you who the best employers in Munich are.

There is also an east-west divide in Germany when it comes to salaries: three cities from the new federal states, Dresden, Leipzig and Chemnitz, bring up the rear. The capital ranks in the lower third – but Berlin has many good employers to offer.

The average salary in Austria’s cities

The salary level is generally somewhat lower compared to Germany. The state capital Vienna tops the table of Austrian cities with the highest salaries. In general, however, the largest Austrian cities are not too far apart when it comes to annual salaries.

The average salary in the cities of Switzerland

Zurich and Bern are in a tight race: the average salary in Zurich is slightly higher than in the federal city of Bern. In general, the wage level in Switzerland is highest in the DACH region, which is partly due to the higher cost of living in Switzerland.

How high salaries satisfaction in the cities of the DACH region?

The amount of the salary is one thing: But how satisfied are the people of Berlin, Munich, Vienna or Zurich with their salary really? In addition to the salary, the tables also show you the average salary satisfaction, which is based on the ratings of users regarding their satisfaction with salary and social benefits.

The case of the Austrian state capital Vienna, which has the highest salary but the lowest salary satisfaction among Austria’s cities, proves that a high salary is not always synonymous with high salary satisfaction. In Germany, Munich and Stuttgart again lead the list. In Switzerland, Bern overtakes Zurich in terms of salary satisfaction.

By the way: Salary satisfaction and what factors influence it was also the subject of our Salary Study 2022. There we looked at salary satisfaction at a country level and observed that in the DACH region, Austria has the highest level of salary satisfaction, followed by Germany. In Switzerland, on the other hand, salary satisfaction tends to be lower. This is also reflected in the data on the cities of the respective countries.


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