Funding for long-term unemployment


You haven’t had a job for a long time? And slowly losing hope of ever finding one again? First things first: don’t panic. It there are many ways, on which you can free yourself from this situation. In this blog post we will show you your options and give you lots of tips. And hopefully motivate you a bit. So that you can start again soon!

Why can’t the long-term unemployed find a job?

There are many reasons for this – you know your personal destiny best. For example, some people became long-term unemployed because they no or outdated training to have. And that’s why they are considered “unplaceable” in today’s modern job market.

But the corona pandemic is also a reason why so many people have been unemployed for more than 12 months. or lack of language skills prevent someone from finding a job again quickly. Chronically ill or older people are often still considered difficult to place on the labor market.

Definition of long-term unemployment – what is it exactly?

What exactly long-term unemployment is is regulated in Germany in Section 18 of the Third Social Code (SGB III). Accordingly, long-term unemployment begins when someone has been unemployed for more than a year. In 2022, when this blog post was written, it affected almost a million people!

But the good news is: all of these people have many opportunities to escape this situation – including you, of course. You can, for example, do one if you are long-term unemployed Funding for retraining apply for. So that you can get fit for the job market again with your newly acquired knowledge!

And did you know that you can also be promoted if you are hired? Because a company receives a subsidy under certain conditions if it hires someone who is long-term unemployed.

Funding 1 for long-term unemployment: retraining

First of all: retraining is actually complete professional training. But the knowledge is acquired here in a much shorter time than is the case, for example, in the classic apprenticeship trades.

Since the long-term unemployed often do not have up-to-date training, retraining is a much better fit for this group than further training. Because with further training, existing knowledge is only supplemented and refreshed.

According to Section 81 of SGB III, subsidized retraining is open to all unemployed people. So this support is also available for long-term unemployment. That’s great! It may also be enough if you are only threatened by unemployment! It is best to get advice from your clerk at the employment agency or at the job center.

Good to know!

At karriere tutor®, for example, you can do exciting, all-round sustainable retraining. Including 100% funding and up to €1,500 further training bonus. And because all of our retraining and further education courses are completely digital and fully flexible, you also get a notebook for free!

Subsidy 2 for long-term unemployment: subsidies for the employer

If you have finally found a job after your many efforts, your employer has the opportunity to apply for your employment to get various grants. Here the legislator differentiates according to how long you were unemployed.

Case A: You have been unemployed for at least two years

In this case, your employer will receive a wage subsidy for two years – 75% of your salary in the first year and 50% in the second year. You can also take advantage of subsidized coaching during this time, which will make it easier for you to return to work. On top of that, you can do further training while you are employed – these costs are also covered in whole or in part by the employment agency.

Case B: You have been unemployed for many years

Your employer and you both have even more opportunities to benefit from the grants from the employment agency. The company will receive a wage subsidy for you for up to five years – 100% in the first two years, then 10% less per year. That on-the-job coaching you can take advantage of the full five years if you wish. And for further training during your employment, the employment agency will reimburse up to €3,000.

Subsidy 3 for long-term unemployment: the reintegration subsidy

The third possibility for support after long-term unemployment is the reintegration grant: This must be applied for individually by your new employer at the employment agency – because the amount and duration of this subsidy depend directly on your personal situation.

As you can see, there are many other ways you can finally get out of long-term unemployment. Chakka, here we go!

Great! But you simply lack the motivation after such a long period of unemployment?

Hey, it’s normal that you can’t motivate yourself so easily after such a long time and so many unsuccessful applications. Because your situation is very stressful. That’s why we at karriere tutor® have come up with a 5-step plan for unemployment that should help you to gain new strength and motivate yourself. Maybe you take a look there?

You need personal support?

We would also be happy to advise you by phone and work with you to develop your options for retraining. And we will help you apply for your retraining and prepare you for the interview with your clerk. That’s a great offer!


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