Creative wall design: a new look for modern walls


The importance of wall design is often underestimated. It makes a decisive contribution to increasing living comfort and emphasizing the individuality of each individual.

Possibilities of creative wall design

The walls are often underestimated in an apartment. Quickly stick wallpaper or paint a little paint on the wall and the wall design is finished. Although – pictures are often attached for decoration. What a pity! The walls offer a wonderful opportunity to make a room more comfortable and individual.

Experts know numerous possibilities if no complete renovation is planned. It is conceivable, for example, that non-woven wallpaper can be painted and new highlights can be set with this color.

Diverse possibilities for wall design examined in more detail

Whether with wallpaper, paint, or borders: Walls can be designed very individually and have an amazing effect on the feeling of well-being in the room. When renovating, you can continue with the existing design, but it is also possible to implement completely new ideas.

Important: Everyone should first think about what the best wall design looks like for him or her personally. It also plays a role whether the effort has to be taken into account: Anyone who is completely free to design a new wall has the opportunity to implement completely new ideas. But if you have to take what already exists into account, you may be a little more restricted.

The following options are possible for wall design:

  • wallpaper for the walls

    Anyone who looks at the current wallpaper trends also knows why wallpapers are so modern again. The choice is almost endless and there are many different materials (e.g. paper, fleece, etc.), colors and patterns.

    Whether graphic patterns, animal and flower motifs, delicate lines, large checks – everyone will find what they are looking for here. At the same time, attaching the wallpaper is now easier than ever and there is no longer a need for a painter to take on this task. Wallpapering is twice as much fun because it is much cheaper.

  • Redesign with colors

    It used to be customary to wallpaper a room with woodchip wallpaper and paint it white or tinted. This procedure certainly has advantages, because it can be painted over several times and the renovation can always be renewed cheaply. But decorating a room with color offers so many other possibilities! Great motifs and individual drawings can be put on the walls, for example in the children’s room the children’s hands and feet can be dipped in color and put on the wall.

    Which color and which motif is chosen in the end is entirely a matter of personal taste. The walls of a room can also be painted differently, it is not necessary to paint them all the same. In order to limit the height of a room optically, the new wall color can also be combined with a surrounding border.

  • pictures

    In some rooms, pictures are almost mandatory on the wall, in others, however, only one picture is used as an eye-catcher. In addition to personal taste, the room in question also plays a role. A living room will hardly be decorated with hand-painted children’s drawings, but the eat-in kitchen will. On the other hand, classic pictures can be placed on the walls in a living room or study. However, these points do not have to be strictly followed: everyone decorates the walls as they please!

Use planning aids for wall design

Anyone can wallpaper like a pro, because there are many different types of paste, wallpaper, wallpapering aids, and other materials available on the market. The Internet or the manufacturers of various tools provide the necessary theoretical guidance. The practice has to do the rest because it is clear that the first wallpapering will rarely look really professional.

But have courage – anyone can become a wallpaper artist! However, it makes sense not to go to work completely without a plan, but to draw up a plan in advance. How should the walls look later? Should they really be wallpapered or should they just get the paint? Various online planners are now available on the Internet, with the help of which room planning can be carried out virtually.

Everyone gets a first impression of whether their own design idea really makes sense or whether it should be modified a little. Here you can also see whether the chosen red or blue is a really good idea.

The special case “living room”

The living room is a place where the family gathers. Here you want to relax and recover from everyday life, watch TV together or play a board game. Maybe a cozy get-together with friends is on the agenda? In any case, the wall design in the living room should also be designed to make everyone feel comfortable.

This is made possible with the right wallpaper, which should ensure the absolute “feeling at home”. At the same time, the living style should be underlined with the wallpaper. Since the living room is usually quite large, care must be taken when selecting the wallpaper that these can be very dominant due to their large-scale design.

Highlight the walls in the living room

The best tip: Choose a wall in the living room that is not interrupted by cupboards or shelves, shelves, or pictures. Here the wallpaper can really be staged.

It may even be possible to use a motif wallpaper that is glued across the board as photo wallpaper. Monochrome non-woven wallpapers are also suitable, they are above all timeless and adapt playfully to the interior. If you like, you can transform the living room into a kind of holiday memory with this wall, because a wallpaper with a corresponding motif is stuck.

The room should be kept more modern? Then there should be geometric shapes on the wallpaper, which can be a little larger. To provide more elegance on the wall, gold tones can be seen on the wallpaper. But these should not dominate!

Especially in the living room, it is important that wallpaper not only beautifies bare walls but also has a real impact on well-being and living comfort. The wall design should therefore be well thought out and ideally selected.

Divide large rooms optically

The living room measures 30 m² and more? How nice, then nothing stands in the way of any furnishing, everything can be laid out generously and comparatively freely. But all too quickly, large rooms can also appear uncomfortable and cold, which is even more pronounced with very high ceilings. In order for it to be cozy in such a room, warm colors must be on the walls.

Strong motifs and strong colors are ideal here, and at the same time, a visual separation between the two areas can be achieved. This makes it possible to design part of the room with patterned wallpaper and another part with smooth walls.

If you like it more rustic, you can combine stone wallpaper with smooth wallpaper, for example. Even large patterns should not be on every wall in such rooms but should alternate with a kind of haven of peace on the walls.

A tip for rooms with high ceilings: the wallpaper should have a diagonal pattern, which creates a lower effect of height. In addition to gluing a border, it is also possible to attach a color stripe that divides the wall in height. The stripe must not be in the middle, but slightly above the middle.

If, on the other hand, it is placed in the lower third, the room appears even higher. Two different wallpapers can also be glued here: one for the lower and one for the upper area of ​​the walls. The lower wallpaper should have a structure, and the upper one can also be smooth with such a wall design.


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