A Basic Guide on Myopia Prevention

Myopia is a common eye condition that is faced by a majority of people throughout the world. In simple terms, it is also known as nearsightedness. It is an eye condition due to which an individual faces difficulty in seeing objects which are in the distance. They need prescription glasses in order to see distant objects. In this condition, the eyeball tends to be longer than normal or the cornea tends to be steeper than average. 

Indicators of myopia-

People with myopia often have to squint in order to see and identify objects which are far away. Other indicators of myopia include sitting close to the television screen or computer screen, placing books close to the eye while reading, and others indicators. In myopia, the light is focused in front of the retina rather than directly on the surface. 

Number Of Risks Associated With Myopia. Some Of Those includes:

Myopia Prevention
  • Increased risk of glaucoma
  • Retinal detachment
  • Myopic maculopathy
  • Cataracts
Having more than 5.0 diopters indicates a high level of myopia wherein the risk of retinal detachment is 21 times higher than that of a person with normal vision while the risk of cataract is 5 times higher.

Causes of Myopia
Myopia Prevention
Myopia Prevention
Though there are no specific causes of myopia, various studies have indicated that genetics can be one of the major causes of myopia. If a parent is suffering from myopia, it is highly likely that the child may also suffer from myopia. Apart from this, researchers believe that spending too much time working on near objects such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other objects, can lead to the development of myopia.

Environmental exposure is believed to be another reason for myopia. Researchers have observed that those who spend more time outdoors are less likely to be affected by myopia. This could possibly be because of the exposure to daylight or being in an environment with larger distance objects.

Myopia Prevention-
Below are some of the ways which are effective in myopia prevention:
  • Visual Correction – If the problem of myopia is observed in its early stages, wearing prescription glasses for vision correction can be effective in stopping the condition from worsening. If the doctor has prescribed glasses, then one should wear them diligently so that one can improve their condition of myopia.
  • External Activities – One of the best ways to prevent myopia is to indulge in outdoor activities. According to various studies, spending a good amount of time on external activities can help in delaying the onset of myopia and even stop the progression in those who already suffer from it. This is why, most doctors suggest that children should spend at least a couple of hours each day, enjoying outdoor activities.
  • Low-Dose Atropine – Atropine is an ophthalmic solution. A low dose of atropine, about 0.1% is extremely effective in reducing the growth of myopia. Studies have shown that almost 90% of the progression is reduced. However, this should be taken only after consulting your doctor.
  • Multifocal Soft Contact Lenses – According to a study conducted on children in Hong Kong, in 2014, it was observed that children who wore soft multifocal lenses had a 25% less progression of myopia.
  • Orthokeratology – It is a procedure wherein special corneal molds are fitted and slept in. These molds help in flattening the cornea centrally while steeping it peripherally. Since it needs to be worked only during the night, it is a great confidence booster as kids will not have to wear vision correction glasses during the day.
Day by day the development of myopia is becoming more and more common. Since this is not a curable disease, it is important to take the right preventive measures to avoid this condition as much as possible.


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