A yellow sweater does not look good on everyone. One yellow perennial plant but adorns every garden. There is a great selection of radiant beauties. We present you some of the most attractive yellow perennials before.
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Yellow accents in the garden: yellow perennial plants are the highlight
Yellow is for them Sun, for optimism and joie de vivre. These qualities are addressed directly with yellow perennial plants. When planted appropriately, the perennials transform the entire garden into a sea of flowers that is buzzing with bees, bumblebees, butterflies and other insects. Girl’s Eye, Gold Sheaf and Chamomile are examples of that perfect companion in the garden year. Yellow perennial plants can also often be planted in pots
Yellow perennial plants: We present 11 bright representatives
1. Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla)
The lady’s mantle loves dry places in the semi-shade, but the soil must not be too poor in nutrients. It appreciates well-drained soil and grows up to 50 cm high in good conditions. The rounded leaves of the perennial are lobed and have hairs on the underside. A secreted water that resembles dew accumulates in the leaves. This was formerly used by healers and alchemists, hence the name of the plant. The lady’s mantle is snail-resistant and has yellow-green flowers from May to August.
2. Gold Sheaf (Achillea filipendulina)
The golden yellow flowers of the Gold Garbe are a magnet for insects and at the same time an eye-catcher in every garden. At first glance, it looks like a large, flat flower is glowing. However, this is made up of many small flowers (pseudo umbel). Its radiance is accentuated by the feathery, grey-green foliage. The hardy perennial is easy to care for and robust. It grows on poor soil, in rock gardens, beds and in planters and tolerates heat well. It thrives best in locations with lots of sun. The stems of the gold sheaf reach heights of growth of up to 20 cm.
3. Daylilies (Hemerocallis)
Daylilies are magnificent, often strongly scented perennials. They are now at home all over the world with more than 65,000 varieties. The yellow, orange or multicolored flowers appear in June and July and grow in grassy clusters. Each flower only lasts a single day, hence the name. However, new buds open every day, extending the flowering period for up to six weeks, much to the delight of insects and gardeners alike. Daylilies thrive in partial shade.
4. Waldsteinia (Waldsteinia ternata)
The Waldsteinia is also known as the golden strawberry. Its flowers shine in bright yellow and enrich your garden from April to May. However, you will always enjoy your green. The perennial is evergreen. It forms a carpet and is therefore ideal as a ground cover. The Waldsteinia grows 40 to 60 cm in width every year. In addition, it is extremely easy to care for and only requires moderately moist to moist soil. It should also be well drained and low in lime. The perennial does not like waterlogging at all. The leaves then turn brown.
Buy cheap yellow perennial plants
The garden lover used to visit the perennial nursery and chose the plants for the home bed there. However, more and more enthusiasts are taking the opportunity to order perennials in the online shop and have them conveniently delivered to their homes. You have a choice. One option is to order single plants, which often start at 4 to 5 euros (as offered here with 10% discount code “SOMMER2022” at staudenmix.de) Tobe offered. There is also the possibility to order an already optimal perennial mixture. The finished mixture has the advantage that accompanying plants such as scaffolding and ground cover are also supplied, which you can simply plant in the perennial bed according to the planting plan provided.
5. Sunbride (Helenium Hybrid)
The yellow, orange or red flowers of the coneflower appear from June to September and reach a height of up to 140 cm. The perennial is well hardy and only needs shelter when temperatures drop very well below freezing. It grows very upright in spring and later forms the characteristic corymbs. The sun bride likes a fresh, nutrient-rich soil, which can also be a little loamy. It is very popular with bees and insects.
6. Goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea)
Goldenrod used to be found in every cottage garden. Today it has become rather rare. It scores between July and September with a wonderful bloom in a bright yellow. The flowers of the perennial come together in whole clusters, which are very long and therefore slightly overhang. The goldenrod is a valuable food source for bees, butterflies and other insects and likes to grow on nutrient-poor and sandy soils. Regular watering ensures that the hardy plant blooms beautifully. The soil shouldn’t get too wet.
7. Blanket flower (Gaillardia x grandiflora)
The blanket flower reaches heights of growth of up to 75 cm and grows rather bushy. The yellow, orange and red flowers appear between July and October. Multicolored flowers are also possible. This makes the perennial one of the last flowering plants in the garden year, which pleases insects of all kinds. They like to visit the Blanket Flower to collect nectar. The right location is important for a beautiful flower. This should be in the semi-shade, but preferably combined with a higher proportion of sunshine. The soil may like to be sandy and contain a lot of gravel.
8. Clove Root (Geum)
Various types of avens can be found in this country, with the garden avens being the most popular. This blooms from April to August with yellow, white, red and pink flowers. The insect-friendly perennial is easy to care for and very decorative. It needs a partially shaded location to grow well. There it can grow up to 80 cm high. The avens does well in a rocky and sandy location, whereby the soil must be sufficiently moist. However, he does not like waterlogging.
9. Oxeye (Buphthalmum salicifolium)
The hardy oxeye is frequented by wild bees and other insects throughout the summer. It therefore absolutely belongs on the bee pasture. The perennial grows up to 60 cm high and has bright yellow flowers from June to September. The location should be semi-shady, but higher proportions of sunshine are also tolerated. The oxeye prefers a humus-rich and nutrient-poor soil. It is important that the plant is kept moderately dry to fresh and that no waterlogging develops. In this case there is a risk of rotting.
10. Large Flowered Tickseed (Coreopsis grandiflora)
The large-flowered lady’s eye actually comes from North America, but it is now also at home here. The semi-shade perennial is a popular ornamental plant and thrives on sandy to loamy and humus-rich soil. Its yellow flowers are pinnate and appear between June and October. Bees and other insects love the large-flowered girl’s eye, which is also known as the “beautiful face”. It is perennial and hardy.
11. Dyer’s Chamomile (Anthemis tinctoria)
Although the dyer’s chamomile is considered to be warmth-loving, it is fully frost-hardy. It also survives cold winters unscathed and will delight gardeners again next year with its bushy, upright growth. The perennial reaches heights of growth of up to 60 cm. Between June and September, the single flowers appear with their radiant, golden yellow colour. These flowers attract insects of all kinds, so dyer’s chamomile is ideal for a bee pasture. The soil should be dry, well drained and mineral.
Frequently asked questions about perennials
How long do perennials take to grow?
Perennials take different amounts of time to grow. They usually grow quickly, however, and are large enough to bloom by the spring that follows planting. However, there are few exceptions that take two to three years to reach their final size and flower. These include, above all, perennials that grow in cushions.
What are hardy perennials?
Hardy perennials are resistant to major winter threats. They are protected from drying out and freezing and withstand cold wind, frost and other adverse conditions. In the case of hardy perennials, the above-ground shoots die off or are withdrawn. The plant hibernates in the ground with the subterranean part – i.e. the root. In the spring it drives out again.
How do insect-friendly perennials flower?
Insect-friendly perennials bloom with open bloom. A closed flower is not accessible to insects of all kinds. Bees, bumblebees and butterflies are then unable to access the nectar. The perennials are also welcome to bloom in autumn, when many flowers have already faded and the insects can hardly find any food.