11 white perennial plants for your garden


Almost every woman dreams of a white dress. So – white perennial plants are also great for dreaming, but they can easily make that dream a reality. You don’t have to commit to one perennial either. There is a wonderful variety to choose from and will soon delight your gardener’s eye.

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For a bright and friendly atmosphere in the garden: white perennial plants ensure relaxation

Most white perennial plants are not completely white. The center of the flower (the pistil) is usually yellow, which is already in itself attractive contrast results. However, you can also bring about this contrast yourself and cleverly combine the white perennials with other colors. Framed in colour, they shine even more. However, there is nothing wrong with letting the white color work for you. Combine different white perennial plants according to the preferences and conditions of your garden. In the following we give you a few suggestions for decorative, white representatives.

White perennial plants: We present 11 graceful representatives

1. Astilbe

The magnificent pier – also known as Astilbe – rightly bears its name. It grows upright to a height of two meters and presents its magnificent white flowers from May to June. Insects love the perennial, which can be planted individually or in groups. It is also ideal as a hedge plant or can be planted under other plants. The demands on the soil are low, the Magnificent Spire likes both pebbly and loamy soil. She would like it to be partially shaded and does not like waterlogging.

2. Summer daisy (Leucanthemum)

The summer daisy is an insect-friendly perennial that thrives in partial shade or full sun. The flowers appear from April to October and can be white or yellow. Double flowers are just as possible as open ones. The open variant for insects is the better choice. Summer daisies love moderately moist soil and regular watering. The location should offer enough nutrients, the soil should be loose and permeable. Otherwise, the perennials are very low-maintenance and require little attention.

3. Goose cress (Arabis)

The goose cress reproduces itself via seeds, which are formed in long, black pods.  (Photo: shutterstock - Nikolett Emmert)

The goose cress reproduces itself via seeds, which are formed in long, black pods. (Photo: shutterstock – Nikolett Emmert)

The undemanding goose cress flowers from April to June in white, pink or a delicate pale lilac. It thrives in semi-shade and requires little care. For the low perennial, the soil should be moist to moderately moist, and sandy to loamy. The faded stems must be cut back after flowering. She doesn’t need any more care. The goose cress also reproduces itself. This is done by the seeds, which are formed in long, black pods. Squills, for example, prove to be ideal companions. The flowers make a nice contrast.

4. Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis)

A particularly enchanting representative among the perennials is the lily of the valley. As the name suggests, its white or pink flowers unfold their splendor in May. With a growth height of around 25 cm, the perennial remains rather small and is ideal for planting underneath in the partial shade. The soil should be permeable and sandy. Optimal conditions for the lily of the valley to flower for the first time a year after planting. It is hardy and very undemanding. It should be noted that all parts of the plant are poisonous. Caution is therefore required, especially in gardens with pets and children.

Buy cheap white perennial plants

The garden lover used to visit the perennial nursery and chose the plants for the home bed there. However, more and more enthusiasts are taking the opportunity to order perennials in the online shop and have them conveniently delivered to their homes. You have a choice. One option is to order single plants, which often start at 4 to 5 euros (as offered here with 10% discount code “SOMMER2022” at staudenmix.de) Tobe offered. There is also the possibility to order an already optimal perennial mixture. The finished mixture has the advantage that accompanying plants such as scaffolding and ground cover are also supplied, which you can simply plant in the perennial bed according to the planting plan provided.

5. Woodruff (Galium odoratum)

The ground cover with the white flowers blooms in April and May. Woodruff is in great demand as a small perennial for the penumbra with its growth height of just up to 20 cm. It forms thick carpets all by itself and is also very hardy. The soil at the chosen location should be sandy to humus for the woodruff, a loamy garden soil is also acceptable for the plant. Very typical: when the shoots of the woodruff wilt, its sweetish aroma becomes recognizable.

6. Velvety Silverbell (Heuchera villosa)

The velvety silverbell thrives best in well-drained and nutrient-rich soil. If this requirement is met, you will be rewarded with its pretty white flowers from June to September. The optimal location is in the semi-shade, because it does not tolerate a lot of sun. The evergreen perennial grows bushy and forms a clump. The ornamental foliage is therefore retained in winter and stands out in the entire planting with its orange-yellow colour. The silverbell is a perfect companion for other perennials and only grows up to 50 cm.

7. Autumn Anemone (Anemone)

The autumn anemone is extremely insect-friendly. (Photo: AdobeStock – HildaWeges)

As with many other perennials, there are numerous varieties of the anemone. The autumn anemone is just one of them. It blooms in different colors. There are white, pink, pink to violet flowers. There are also single and double flowers. The autumn anemone is very insect-friendly, but only in the simple and therefore open flower version. It can be planted individually or in groups and requires moderately loamy to slightly sandy soil. Under these conditions, the perennial forms beautiful flowers from August to October.

8. Woodland Sage (Salvia nemorosa)

As a bee magnet, steppe sage should not be missing from any bee pasture. The plant flowers from June to August and is available in the “Snowhill” variety with white flowers, as “Amethyst” with pink flowers and as “Bluehill” with blue flowers. There are also many other flower colors and varieties of the pretty perennial. If you cut them properly after the first flowering, the flowers will even sprout a second time. The steppe sage loves a dry, sandy location and is hardy.

9. Cyclamen (Cyclamen spec.)

Cyclamen are among the most popular flowers of all, and this also applies to the garden. The small perennials are hardy and show their flowers from September until the first frost. White, violet and red flower colors as well as numerous variations of the main colors make a semi-shaded location appear particularly colourful. Garden cyclamens need a sheltered spot and a calcareous site and are still an attraction in the garden. If left unchecked, they will multiply into large areas on their own.

10. Bergenia (Bergenia)

The Bergenia prefers nutrient-rich, moist soil that is well drained. Before planting, put in a sufficient layer of compost and with care measures such as cutting and regular watering, you will be thanked enormously. The perennial is considered one of the most attractive early bloomers and shows its flowers as early as March. It blooms until May in a strong pink to crimson. However, they are also available in fresh white. The Bergenia thrives in partial shade and is therefore suitable for all gardeners who also want to beautify the darker corners of the garden.

11. Forest goat’s beard (Aruncus sylvestris)

The forest goat’s beard is an eye-catcher in June and July with its charming white flowers. (Photo: shutterstock – guentermanaus)

The forest goat’s beard can grow up to two meters tall and spreads out to around one square meter. Accordingly, it is expansive and needs a lot of space in its partially shaded location. In June and July it enchants with fairytale white flowers that form a panicle. The perennial has low site requirements and does well in sandy to loamy soil. But: She wants it fresh and moderately moist. She can’t stand waterlogging. The forest goat’s beard is considered a native wild plant and is a delight for insects and the gardener in summer.

Frequently asked questions about perennials

When should a perennial bed be created?

A perennial plan is to be created in accordance with the planting plan, whereby the plan only specifies the plant species and the arrangement. Spring or fall are ideal for planting. Experts recommend creating a perennial bed in the fall. Then the roots can still anchor the plants and the perennial in question can bloom as early as next year. Before planting, however, it is important to prepare the soil carefully.

What is the importance of bees in the perennial garden?

The importance of bees for the perennial garden does not only refer to the pollination of the flowers when collecting nectar. Bees are invaluable to humans in general, as they are responsible for preserving much of our food. Without bees there would be no plants, which in turn would be absent from the food chain. While perennials are not food plants to be pollinated, their nectar helps bees to find enough food. With the help of cleverly planted perennials, action can be taken against bee deaths.

What are summer perennials?

Summer perennials thrive in a sunny spot and enjoy the daily sun in midsummer. However, not everyone wants to have a location directly in the blazing midday sun, some also accept partial shade or at least do not want to stand in the sun at midday.


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