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Dismissal – what now? 3 immediate actions you should take now

The termination – sometimes it comes as an expectation, but sometimes it comes as a complete surprise. In both cases, it is important to remain calm. Because one thing is clear: you still have every chance of professional success even after you have been dismissed. which three immediate actions you should know and seize, we will show you here.

Termination: what are the first steps?

After the first shock has been digested, a question pops up in most employees: “What do I have to do first after the termination?”. First of all, three things are important:

There are a few stumbling blocks in these three steps that many are not even aware of. Of course, you don’t get a dismissal like that every day, and it is and will remain a challenging situation. Good that you are here because we will now show you in detail how you can proceed “step by step”.

1. Important dates and deadlines after termination

The most important appointment after the termination is the phone call or personal registration at the Employment Agency, three months before the employment relationship ends. You are obliged to contact us immediately – specifically within three days – as soon as you learn of the termination.

But what if the notice period is less than three months? Even then, the following applies: As soon as you know about the termination, you should contact the Employment Agency. don’t you do that impending lockdown? So you won’t get unemployment benefits until later. It is initially sufficient to report by phone, but you should also appear in person on the first day of unemployment. The employees at the employment office will inform you about which step is necessary and how you can get an appointment for the placement interview with the employment agency. The essentials for you: Think about this first message in good time!

info box: Read more about how to register as unemployed and what documents are required in our blog. Here you will find a helpful leaflet from the employment agency.

2. Bring the existing employment relationship to a successful conclusion

In most cases, you won’t be out on the street overnight, but still, have a certain amount of remaining working time with your current employer. Despite the termination, it is now important to bring this to an end as best as possible. This includes:

info box: This transition period can be emotionally draining. Get our best tips for more resilience and resilience at work here.

3. Take care of your professional future after termination

The third step usually runs parallel to the second step. Even if, thanks to a timely notification to the employment agency, you receive unemployment benefits without any delay and are therefore financially secure, early action is important here. Like most people, you probably don’t want to be in the situation of receiving benefits from the employment agency in the first place.

So how do you behave after the termination in order to find a good new job as soon as possible? It depends on your initial situation:

info box: Read more about career change here and how you can tell it’s time for one.

Dare to make a new professional start

Sometimes it just happens that an employment relationship ends. Try as against possible odds Opportunity for a new professional start to see. Maybe your new job will be even more beautiful and successful than everything before. Use the transitional period for your further training, take advantage of funding and actively improve your chances of finding a good new job. You can basically only win with this.

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