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Continuing education in healthcare

Would you like to move up within the company? Or get off to a flying start with a new employer? The better qualified you are and the more sought-after your special know-how is, the better your chances. Have you thought about pursuing a postgraduate degree in healthcare? And then take care of health promotion in companies? Because that is exactly what is being sought more and more often. For good reasons…

Health promotion in companies: why is it so important?

The answer is actually obvious: the fitter, more efficient and healthier the employees are, the more successfully a company can operate. And vice versa: high absenteeism due to illness not only leads to delays and additional work, but also to a loss of sales. When companies campaign for the health of their employees, it is not just out of niceness. Because the resource employee is a real success factor!

Incidentally, there is much more to corporate health promotion than just buying a few ergonomic chairs and keyboards. Or to mention the topic of health in the corporate philosophy. The concrete implementation and anchoring in the corporate culture is crucial! And this is where professionals come into play who have further training in healthcare and who are up to date with the latest knowledge.

Continuing education in healthcare: Why do companies need healthcare managers?

Even without further training in health management, you will surely come up with a few points spontaneously on how the health of employees in companies could be improved. Something like more exercise and a conscious diet are of course part of it. Or get enough sleep. Relaxation. And, if you work on the PC, regular rest periods for the eyes. But do you need a health manager for that?

Yes, because company health management (BGM) not only has to be strategic, systematic and well thought out, but also holistic and sustainable. And above all, it has to fit the company. First of all, the current status is recorded and analyzed. What about absenteeism? Is there any mental stress? To what extent is the work hazardous to health? What are the employees saying? Only after evaluating this information can sensible measures be developed.

What are the tasks of occupational health management?

The BGM generally comprises three aspects:

• Preventive action
This includes creating a health-promoting working environment in which as few employees as possible become ill.

• Health promotion measures
Equally important are measures that serve to maintain the health of employees.

• Reintegration measures
The reintegration management helps to reintegrate employees well and safely at their workplace after an illness.

What specific measures are included?

Occupational health management is very complex – that’s why there are many different training courses in healthcare. It begins with the analysis of the current situation and must constantly check itself. The most well-known measures within the framework of BGM include:

movement courses
nutrition courses
Nicotine cessation programs
Weight control programs
Ergonomic measures
Mental Illness Prevention Courses
reintegration talks

As you can see, the range of tasks is very extensive and requires a great deal of knowledge. But that’s not a problem with health management training!

Further training in health care: Is occupational health management worthwhile?

The success of the BGM speaks for itself: It ensures happier employees as well as more productivity, a higher attractiveness as an employer and a stronger identification of the employees with the company.

In addition, the number of days absent due to illness can be reduced by around a quarter through WHM. At least that’s what studies and statistics like the 28 by the Health and Work Initiative, a cooperation between the statutory health and accident insurance companies, show.

This means that an investment in workplace health promotion definitely pays off for companies. And employees with further training in healthcare make the company future-proof.

What training courses are there in healthcare?

If you see your future in the field of OHM, you have numerous opportunities for further training. karriere tutor® has a number of online further education offers in its program. And the good thing is: They are all eligible! That means you can study from home and don’t have to pay anything for the additional qualification. Here are some of these continuing education opportunities in healthcare:

Company health manager (m/f/d)

Further training to become an expert in BGM qualifies you to

  • to strategically plan a company health management and to implement it in the company,
  • Designing and implementing measures for workplace health promotion and
  • to introduce an operational reintegration management.

What you do in further education for health promotion in companies learn:

  • human resources management
  • labor and social security law
  • project management

The training also includes:

  • Executive coaching
  • Methods and techniques of communication and conflict management

Typical areas of application for company health managers:

  • Industry
  • commercial and service sectors
  • Public service
  • health authorities
  • health insurance companies
  • HR departments

Health management and health promotion in the company (social benefits, measures to keep employees healthy) – in human resources

Through this further training in the healthcare sector, employees from social services or company health management can also build up their specialist knowledge in company social services.

This course provides you with basic knowledge about

  • operational personnel work,
  • the tasks in human resources as well as
  • Goals and guidelines of company social affairs.

The training also includes information on company health management.

Specialist in operational integration management – BEM (m/f/d) – in human resources

The BEM further training provides (prospective) managers with specialist knowledge in operational integration management and labor law.

Content of the training:

  • Prerequisites and implementation of operational reintegration
  • balanced leadership
  • Methods and techniques in self-management, self-control and self-care
  • Sensitive interviewing with those affected

Agile Health Leadership – in Human Resources

The Agile Health Leadership training provides you with comprehensive knowledge to develop and implement a health-promoting corporate and leadership culture as a manager.

Content of the training:

  • Basics of company health management and company health promotion
  • balanced leadership
  • Strategies of “healthy leadership” and “healthy self-leadership”
  • Opportunities and risks of digitization
  • Soft skills in communication, negotiation and presentation – focus on conflict management

Certifications for:

  • Professional Scrum MasterTM (PSMTM i)
  • Professional Scrum Product OwnerTM

Your health management training has a future

Company health management not only means that companies are prepared for the future, but you yourself will also benefit from your further training in the field of health promotion. Because you will acquire a qualification that is increasingly sought after – because it stands for economic success. And opens up great career prospects for you at the same time.

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