Digital recruiter job description: the online talent scout


The most important resource of every company is its employees. If you are interested in a job that undoubtedly has a massive impact on the company’s success, you should definitely take a closer look at digital recruiting. Read in this article what makes this job so exciting and what you need to gain a foothold in it.

What does a digital recruiter do?

Recruiting employees are responsible for this, permanently on the lookout for the best talent and most promising employees. The Digital Recruiter is, so to speak, the online advancement of the classic Recruiter and puts out its feelers, especially in the digital world. The big advantage for companies that not only use classic recruiting but also employ a trained digital recruiter is: They increase their chances of finding really good people many times over. Because the most talented people are online these days. As a digital recruiter, you are responsible for finding them promptly and winning them over to the company. An extremely exciting area of ​​responsibility for you and one of the key positions in the HR department of the company in which you work.

What are the tasks of a digital recruiter?

If you do this job, these things are part of your everyday tasks:

  • Observe applicant market: As a digital recruiter, you keep a close eye on the market. You screen potential applicants and look around online platforms for promising job applications.
  • Find potential employees: But you don’t just notice incoming applications, you also take the initiative. The digital recruiter keeps an eye on professional networks and platforms such as XING or LinkedIn, for example, and is constantly looking for qualified employees there.
  • Active applicant search: If it makes sense for the company, the digital recruiter also creates advertisements or places ads on social media channels and online job exchanges. He always acts in several places in order to increase his chances of getting the really good applicants as best as possible. His motto: Be there first where the good people are, so that you can be the first to speak to them.
  • Communication with potential employees: In contrast to the classic job interview, the digital recruiter approaches potential new specialists on his own initiative and does not wait for them to apply to the company. He uses his communication and persuasive skills to really bring the best people on board.
  • Negotiation of the framework conditions: Once the digital recruiter has found a suitable candidate who can be recruited for the position to be filled, the work contract and the general conditions are dealt with. The digital recruiter often also accompanies this process and advises the personnel managers who are responsible for contractual matters.

What requirements do you need for the job as a digital recruiter?

As you can see, the tasks are enormously exciting and varied. But what do you need to be successful as a digital recruiter?

Probably the best entry ticket for this field is a corresponding one professional qualifications, for example further training to become a digital recruiter. With such a job, you immediately and credibly convey to your potential employer that you understand this very modern field of work and can work efficiently in it.

There are also personal skills that can help you in this job. You benefit above all from these:

  • communication skills: You work in direct contact with many different people. It is therefore actually essential that you can communicate well and adapt to the different personalities. If you still feel unsure about this, there are appropriate courses and further communication training courses that will help you to improve your communication skills.
  • Emotional intelligence: As a digital recruiter, you are the link between your company and the potential new employees and, to a certain extent, represent the interests of both sides. Only if you do it well will there ultimately be a deal that is worthwhile for everyone involved. This is exactly where you need a solid dose of emotional intelligence in order to be able to adapt to the wishes and needs of potential new employees and to derive meaningful actions from them.
  • willingness to learn: You surely know that things change quickly online. Social networks, online job exchanges, websites & Co. are the everyday working environment for digital recruiters and are all subject to constant change. In order to not only be successful in this job but also happy, you should be willing to take part and be willing to keep learning.

Who Needs a Digital Recruiter?

You have found this job profile appealing to you, but are wondering where exactly you could work as a digital recruiter? The good news: every company is constantly looking for good employees. In particular, in Sectors suffering from a shortage of skilled workers and finding good employees is difficult, companies can noticeably increase their chances of success with a good digital recruiter. The biggest problem with these companies is usually that they simply act too slowly and the best-qualified applicants are then long gone from the market. As a digital recruiter, you make sure that this doesn’t happen again in the future for the company you work for.

How Much Does a Digital Recruiter Earn?

The job description of the digital recruiter is still quite young, but very promising. For classic recruiters, the online job exchange StepStone states an average annual salary of around €41,000. With the additional qualification “Digital” from the Digital Recruiter, your chances of even surpassing this average are excellent. With your specialization in the digital sector, you definitely have good arguments for salary negotiations, including a salary increase.

Is it worth becoming a digital recruiter?

Definitive! Precisely because there are not yet millions of experts specifically focused on digital recruiting, the opportunities here are very good. With this qualification, you stand out from other applicants and are an absolute beacon of hope for every company. Because with your know-how you are able to strengthen the most important resource: the resource of qualified employees. Use this sooner rather than later for your personal success!


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